Funeral pricing guide

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Pricing guide for funeral services

Explore burial, cremation and other funeral services

When arranging a funeral or planning ahead for your own, it’s important to be able to access and understand information on the practicalities, such as costs.

If you don’t find the exact type of service you’re looking for on this page, we can help you plan the kind of funeral service that suits you best.

Direction sign at Stafford Crematorium

Attended cremation funeral service

A full traditional funeral service, attended by the family, friends and community of the person who has died.

The Love’s Funerals team will take care of every detail for you from beginning to end. From bringing the person who has died to our place of rest at Primrose Cottage, to escorting mourners and those wishing to celebrate the life of the person to the crematorium for a final farewell.

This package includes:

  • Bringing the person who’s died to our private place of rest at Primrose Cottage
  • Viewing in our Woodlands Rest chapel space
  • Full escort and attendance on the day of the funeral by our funeral director and staff
  • Escorting the person who’s died to the service and/or crematorium by hearse
  • A traditional cremation service
  • The fees for the crematorium and minister
  • Completion of all necessary paperwork

Stafford Crematorium

Cannock Chase Crematorium

Professional fees for Love’s Independent Funeral Directors services £1050.00 £1050.00
Collecting the person who has died and bringing them to Primrose Cottage £250.00 £250.00
Hearse (Traditional) £300.00 £300.00
A traditional oak veneered coffin (Additional cost for XL sizes) £495-£695 £495-£695
Pall Bearers (x4) £240 £240
Preparation and hygiene treatment £150.00 £150.00
Crematorium fee * £880.00 (30 mins) £860.00 / £940.00 (60 mins)
Minister fee From £220.00 From £220.00
Civil celebrant fee From £235.00 From £235.00

* Accurate as of 2025, costs are subject to a yearly increase

Reduced fee option for Traditional Cremation Service

For those who are eligible, Cannock Chase Crematorium offers a reduced rate for their service of £770, which involves a 45-minute service beginning at 9:45am. 

Inside of the chapel at Stafford Crematorium

Direct cremation funeral service

A lighter, low-key funeral service that doesn’t involve a formal, attended service at the crematorium.

Sometimes the preferred choice for folks who may have budgetary concerns, this option also provides people the freedom to say goodbye to the person who has died in their own way, outside the traditional funeral service format.

The person who has died still receives our characteristic high calibre of service, care, and respect throughout. From escorting them from Primrose Cottage to accompanying them into the crematorium, we will be by their side upholding their dignity throughout.

This package includes:

  • Bringing the person who’s died to our private place of rest at Primrose Cottage.
  • Escorting the person who’s died to the crematorium.
  • A non-attended cremation service
  • The fees for the crematorium.
  • Completion of all necessary paperwork.
Direct Cremation (Stafford Crematorium)
Professional fees for Love’s Independent Funeral Directors services


Collecting the person who has died and bringing them to Primrose Cottage


A simple coffin


Crematorium fee (No Attendance)*


Crematorium fee (Attended / 15 Minute Service)*


* Accurate as of 2025, costs are subject to a yearly increase

Two horses, pulling the funeral procession.

Additional Features & Services

Please see below for a non-comprehensive list of additional services that are available to our clients. We will always do our very best to accommodate your every need, so if you don’t see the service you require below, please do get in touch with us.

Coffin home / into church (overnight) £300.00
Embalming £110.00
Limousines £300 each
Horse drawn hearse From £850.00
Motorcycle hearse £1000.00

Order of service (4 Page)

Order of service (8 Page)

£2.00 per copy

£2.75 per copy

Obituary notice £150.00
Single oak urn £80.00
Double oak urn £160.00
Marker cross £80.00
Wicker coffins From £750.00
Colourful coffins From £750.00
Solid oak coffin £900.00
Bespoke coffin engravings £55 per engraving

Any questions?

For all church services, cemetery prices, and any private churchyards, please contact us for further information